A friend in the UK reminded me 50 Years ago a strange obscure game called Dungeons & Dragons was born and the 1st edition of it was published (obviously they didn’t know it was the first edition at the time). Some of you might have heard of it…

A friend in the UK reminded me 50 Years ago a strange obscure game called Dungeons & Dragons was born and the 1st edition of it was published (obviously they didn’t know it was the first edition at the time). Some of you might have heard of it…
Absolutely, for me at least… There have many iterations but nothing says Orc like the classic illustrations from the early D&D and AD&D books from the 1970’s (The Holmes Basic D&D book and the various Advanced D&D ‘Manuals’ feature classic illustrations). And I’m not alone. Forget about the bizarre things Peter Jackson created for his […]
I have got to admit, I’ve been away from Old School Dungeons & Dragons (and any roleplaying games for that matter) for some time. And by that I am referring to classic table-top (or ‘pen & paper’ if you prefer) gaming – not computer game versions. Being also a wargamer and familiar with using figures […]