Goodman Games have done it again and launched a new Kickstarter for the latest in their “Original Adventures Reincarnated” range of books – this time the classic Jennell Jaquays Judges Guild published ‘Dark Tower‘ module. This module along with Jaquays’ ‘Caverns of Thracia‘ module are arguably the 2 best non-TSR D&D/AD&D modules produced in the 1970’s-1980’s time period. The Kickstarter kicks off in May and unusually this time there are 2 versions of the OAR Books, one with the classic AD&D (1e) and D&D 5e versions and another with the original AD&D (1e) and a conversion to Goodman Games own DCC RPG rules (Dungeon Crawl Classics). Both versions also include an additional ‘third’ book.
“The desert sands are stirring. Something is rising from the dunes, threatening the world with a looming shadow… OAR #7: The Dark Tower will be a slip cased 3-book set, collecting old and new material. Volume 1 reprints the original module with introductions and historical commentary. Volume 2 is the 5E rules conversion of the original adventure, The Dark Tower. And volume 3 is an entirely new series of adventures entitled The Chosen Sons of Set, building on the concepts presented in the original Dark Tower publication. Ranked by Dungeon magazine as one of the top 30 adventure modules of all time, Goodman Games is proud to be working with Jennell Jaquays to bring her classic adventure to life for a whole new audience.“

Dark Tower features an extensive dungeon and tower-based adventure that pits the forces of good – an aging cleric of the god Mitra – against the forces of evil – an active sect of the serpent god Set and his evil high priest. The PCs are thrust into the middle of this hotbed of tension, where everyone in the tavern has a story and a bone to pick, where caravans come to rest for the night but never seem to be heard from again, and where brave adventurers might become heroes…or just more sacrifices for Set!

The Kickstarter Campaign

- Original Adventures Reincarnated #7: Dark Tower (on Kickstarter)
- Goodman Games (Publisher’s Website)
More Dark Tower

Goodman Games also have an additional recent D&D 5E module “The Sunken Temple of Set” for level 7 characters that is set in the Dark Tower campaign world. It was originally done for Free RPG Day 2021 and while the print version is no longer available you can still buy the PDF version here – however I believe this may be included with the OAR #7 Kickstarter above (but not confirmed). Note that this is an additional module written for 5E by Chris Doyle, and not by the original author Jennell (Paul) Jaquays.